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A Back to Top
AESO Alberta Electric System Operator, or the entity resonsible for managing the Interconnected Electric System for the province of Alberta, Canada
B Back to Top
Baseload Units that consistently run providing a reliable amount of power
BCF Billion cubic feet, a unit of volume describing often large quantities of liquid such as water or natural gas
Binding Constraint Constraint that does not allow any incremental power to flow after hitting the limit
BOM Balance of Month contract which trades based on the remaining days in the month
C Back to Top
CAISO California Independent System Operator, or an Independent System Operator (ISO) that serves the state of California
Capacity Factor Average of some unit over a period of time divided by the max value for the same time period
Capacity Market Generally a 3-4 year forward market to procure additonal generation in order to have an adequate supply
CDD Cooling Degree Days
Clean Spark Spread Approximation of profits to gas generation after carbon costs are deducted
Coal to gas switching The movement away from coal generation towards gas as a result of gas generation buildout
Congestion The result of a bottleneck that restricts flows
Cumulative Capacity Factor Average of some unit over a period of time divided by the max value over a longer period of time (acronym - CCF)
D Back to Top
Dark Spread Approximation of profits from coal generation similar to the spark spread
DART Day ahead minus real time LMPs
DC Transmission Line The transmission line that connects the Pacific Northwest to Southern California
DSW Desert Southwest power region
E Back to Top
EIA U.S. Energy Information Administration, or an agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System that is responsible for collecting and analyzing energy information
ERCOT Electric Reliablity Council of Texas, or an Independent System Operator (ISO) that serves the state of Texas
Evening Ramp Block of hours between HE 17 and HE 22
F Back to Top
FC Forecast
Fish Spill Amount of water that is being allocation to non-turbine flow tied to the regional fish requirements
Flex Ramp The period of time between the midday hours (12-3) and the evening ramp hours (18-21)
Forebay Elevation The elevation of the pool of water held behind a dam
Fuel Oil No.2 or No.6 oil that is used to fuel electric generation
G Back to Top
Gas to Oil switching Moving from gas generation to oil generation generally caused by pipeline constraints or thermal generation moving beyond the gas stack
H Back to Top
HDD Heating Degree Days
HR A measure of generation efficiency measured in Btus; This can also be derived for gas generation by dividing power prices by gas prices
Hydro Electricity Generation produced from water moving through a dam's turbine
I Back to Top
IESO Independent Electric System Operator, or an Independent System Operator (ISO) for the province of Ontario, Canada
Intertie Transmission interconnection between two balancing authorities
ISO Independent System Operators, or an organization formed at the direction or recommendation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that is responsible for coordinating, controlling, and monitoring the operation of an electrical power system; ISOs typically perform the same functions as RTOs, but often cover a small geographic area and have a nuanced differences in responsibilities
ISO-NE An alternative abreviation for NEISO, or New England Independent System Operators; NEISO is an Independent System Operator (ISO) that serves Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
K Back to Top
kcfs Million cubic feet per second - unit used in hydro flow dialogue; This is the most common unit of measurement for flows into and out of a hydro project as a rate
L Back to Top
LF Load Factor, or the average load over a period of time divided by the peak load during the same time period
LMP Location Marginal Price, or the cost to buy or sell electricity with diferent ISOs and RTOs
LNG Liquefied natural gas, a form of natural gas that has been cooled down to liquid form to allow for safer transportation
LOM Lack of Market Spill, or a hydro spill that entities do when the market price is below (or close to) zero
M Back to Top
MAF Million Acre Feet, or a unit used to detail the total amount of snowpack that is up in the mountains; This is the most common unit of measurement for river flows or water in storage as a volume; When used for flows, most typically refers to the volume of water over the period from January to July
Marginal Unit Denotes that these units are setting prices for the market
MCC Marginal Congestion Component
MidC Region tied to the Pacific Northwest, actively traded power hub
Midday Period Block of hours between HE 10 and HE 16
MISO Midcontinent Independent System Operator or an Independent System Operator (ISO) that serves all or parts of the Midwest United States, Manitoba of Canada, and a southern United States region; The US states served includes but is not limited to all or parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana
MLC Marginal Loss Component
Morning Period Block of hours between HE 7 and HE 9
MTD Month To Date, an aggregate of data from the start of the current month until today
N Back to Top
Needle Peak Block of hours when the power demand is at its highest
NEISO New England Independent System Operators, or an Independent System Operator (ISO) that serves Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
Net Load Total demand minus solar and wind generation
Net Thermal Load Total demand minus renewables (wind, solar and hydro), nuclear and any other non coal and natural gas power generation; The purpose of this netting is to get down to coal and natural gas powered generation
NG Natural Gas, a type of fossil fuel that is a major source of electric power generation in the United States
NP15 North of Path 15
NYISO New York Independent System Operator, or an Independent System Operator (ISO) that serves the state of New York
O Back to Top
On Margin Denotes that these units are setting prices for the market
ORDC Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ERCOT market)
P Back to Top
Path 15 Transmission path that connects Northern to Central California
Path 26 Transmission path that connects Central to Southern California
Peaker Less efficient generation that is called on to solve peak demand
PJM PJM Interconnection LLC, or a Regional Transmission Organiztion (RTO) in the United States that serves all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia
PNW Pacific Northwest power region
PPA Power Purchase Agreement, or a contract between a buyer and a seller that defines the terms for the sale of power
R Back to Top
Ratepayer Residential customers that end up paying for additional regulation
REC Renewable Energy Certificate, or a certificate that represents possesion of the non-power attributes of one megawatt hour's worth energy that was generated from a renewable source
Regulated Flows Actual observed river flows, often measured at Grand Coulee, Lower Granite, or The Dalles dams
River Basin We divide the PNW hydro system into different basins or collections of projects by region; See FAQ section question for more detailed table and map
RT/DA LMP Real Time / Day Ahead Locational Margin Prices (See LMP); Day Ahead prices settle the day before the operating day, allowing power to be bought and sold well in advance and with lower volatility; Real Time LMPs settle at many points during the operation day, allowing power to be bought and sold based on current supply and demand
RTO Regional Transmission Organization, or an organization formed at the direction or recommendation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that is responsible for coordinating, controlling, and monitoring the operation of an electrical power system; RTOs typically perform the same functions as ISOs, but often cover a larger geographic area and have a nuanced differences in responsibilities
S Back to Top
Shadow Prices Prices that are a result of some sort of grid balancing that gives a person insight to what will impact the overall price action
Shoulder Season Spring and Fall when demand on generation is generally low
SP15 South of Path 26
Spark spread Approximation of the money that would be collected by efficient gas generation; Assuming a heat rate for gas generation this is: LMP - gas price * HR
Spill Term used in the hydro setting to describe how much water (in kcfs)
SPP Southwest Power Pool, or a Regional Transmission Organiztion (RTO) in the United States that serves all of parts of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming
Summer Season The months between April and October, used in the natural gas world for power demand (AC) load
Super Peak Block of hours between HE 15 and HE 18
Supply stack The group of generation running composed of all units online
T Back to Top
Transmission Electrical wires that are able to move electricity from one point to another
U Back to Top
Unregulated Flows This refers to river flows attributed only to precipitation and snow melt; Estimates of unregulated flows adjust for dam operations such as stored/released reservoir water and are intended to reflect what actual river flows would have been if dams were not present
W Back to Top
Winter Season The months between November and March, used in the natural gas world for residential demand
Z Back to Top
ZP26 Zone created to get between Path 15 and Path 26 in California's Independent System Operation set-up